GOOGLE CLASSROOM : log-in page
If your child is in Years 1-6, they can log-in to Google Classoom with their Nsix email address and password.
Pupils all have their passwords, but if you can’t find it, please contact your class teacher on Class Dojo.
Your password will look like this:
Email: jbloggs123@nsix.org.uk
Password: planets
When you are on the website, you should be able to see a little + ‘add’ sign in the top right corner. Click on that and then click ‘Join class’. Then type in the code sent to you from your teacher. This will be sent on Class Dojo or in a message from School. Please do not share this with anybody outside of your year group.
That’s it! You’re in! Well done.
1) Click Google Classroom
2) Log in using your NSIX address & password
3) Press the + sign on the top right of the page
4) Enter the code sent to you by your teacher
Once you are in, you can speak to your teacher and attend classroom lessons.
If you have lost your log-in details contact your teacher through Class Dojo.
Have fun!