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Welcome back...


Welcome back to all our children, hope you had a lovely Easter break with lots of fresh air and of course chocolate!

Those of you who have been following our blog page, will have noticed there is now a home school button on the task bar at the top. Your teachers have been very busy putting on lessons and work for you to do, for every year group. Try to set aside some time to go on and keep your brain exercising, as well as getting lots of fresh air and exercising your body outside if possible.

I have included a couple of new links to free sites that you might enjoy visiting and remember, all the sites published here are for the duration of home schooling and are free...

Amazon have cancelled the subscription of all children`s books and audio stories for all ages for as long as this lasts, they are available in 6 different languages, go to

Tim Peake the British Astronaut is running classes and a competition on this site.

We’re delighted to launch our free home teaching and learning support for families with a first video featuring British astronaut Tim Peake answering children’s questions about space.

Suitable for young people aged 4-19, our subject experts have carefully selected more than 300 activities and materials available from our bank of over 14,000 free resources to support parents and carers with home learning, with a particular focus on science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

STEM Ambassador Tim Peake features in a new video where he answers children’s questions about how to become an astronaut. He reveals whether astronauts worry about loo roll running out, discusses pre-launch quarantine and COVID-19 on the International Space Station, and even suggests that one day children might be going into space.


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Flu Vaccine Information

Please see attached document regarding flu vaccinations. Use the link below to give consent:


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