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We love reading...


I have previously put on information for our children in Key stage 1 about Oxford Owls free log in for parents and also free books on myOn for yrs 3,4,5.

Today I`m reaching out to my free readers, those children who read novels and classics and love reading as much as I do. I know you are struggling at the moment with no libraries open and the only access to books being to buy them online, or in supermarkets.

We are very proud of the way you are all still reading at home, let your teacher know by DOJO what you are reading and we will celebrate it here...

For you today just a few suggestions, Going online to the Millennium Library Norwich, follow the Corona-virus link and request a card or use your existing library card and you can borrow eBooks to read at home free of charge. Below is a snippet from their page...

eBooks, eNewspapers, eMagazines and eAudio

We offer a range of eBooks, eAudio books, eNewspapers and eMagazines that library members can download free of charge, with no reservation or overdue charges. All you need is a library card. Read or listen on your computer, smartphone, tablet or eBook reader. eBooks and eAudio books from OverDrive Search the Norfolk OverDrive website

  • Sign in with your library card number and PIN

  • Borrow up to six titles for three weeks

  • OverDrive is compatible with most devices including Kindle Fire tablets (but not Kindle eReaders)

  • You can borrow items on your mobile device (iOS 9.0 or later, Android 4.4 or later, and Windows 10) by downloading the new Libby App

  • If you have an older device you can download the OverDrive app from your App store

Technical help Visit the OverDrive help pages for answers to technical problems, including a list of compatible devices, or fill out their online form.

Also a treat for everyone who loves Harry Potter,

Below is a link to the Amazon Audio site which offers free audio books to all children.

This link is to Harry Potter and the Philosopher`s Stone and is read by the amazing Stephen Fry. This is the book I am listening to when I take my exercise walk each day. Please listen and enjoy....


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