With only a couple of weeks left until the end of term, we thought it would be a time to send an update on the Summer Reading Challenge and activities.
If you would like to encourage children to sign up and haven’t already, you can use our virtual assembly from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_kyeFhHV8o&t=9s
If any parents have difficulty signing up, then we’ve got a help video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VJSEI4wpe8
You can also find book recommendations and “first chapters” of different books on our YouTube channel to try to encourage children to try out some different things!
We’re delighted to be working with 2 storytellers this summer, John Kirk and Andy Copps will be bringing the works of Roald Dahl to life via Zoom! On August 5th John will be performing the Twits. On August 12th Andy will be performing Billy and the Minpins. On August 19th John will be performing The Enormous Crocodile. All places are free, and can be booked by contacting Helena.last@norfolk.gov.uk
You will have seen in the media that we’re at the early stages of opening the doors to some of our branches; you can find out the most up to date information on our website and social media pages.
Our new Facebook page, Norfolk Libraries for Families (www.facebook.com/NorfolkLibrariesForFamilies) has details of all of our events, and you can still find info at www.norfolk.gov.uk/libraries
For September, we’re hoping to plan some “virtual class visits” to the library. If you’d like to register interest in this (or have any other questions regarding the above) please contact Helena directly to discuss further: helena.last@norfolk.gov.uk