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September Return - Updated.


We have made some additions to the previous document. Please read through for changes.


Striving for Excellence

As we move towards opening fully in September we wanted to give you a ‘heads-up’ before the end of term as to what we are planning – more information will follow towards the end of the summer.

As you know the government have suggested that in order to keep everyone safe we are advised to continue with the idea of ‘bubbles’ as much as possible, so these are our initial thoughts.


Nursery/Reception/Y1- Use Hunter Road and Weston Road gate

Y2/Y3/Y4/Y5/Y6 - Use Middleton Close


Morning Nursery/Y6 - 8.30am (Nursery on MUGA, Caterpillars to line up against

their fence, Y6 to line up on the PLAYGROUND)

Y4/Y5/Y1 - 8.45am (Y4/Y5-line up PLAYGROUND – Y1-line up MUGA)

Reception/Y2/Y3 - 9.00am (Y2/Y3-line up PLAYGROUND – Reception-MUGA)

Afternoon Nursery - 12:30 (MUGA)


Morning Nursery - 11:30 - collected MUGA

Reception/Y1 - 3.15pm – collected MUGA

Y2//Y4/Y6 - 3.15PM – collected PLAYGROUND

Afternoon Nursery - 3:30PM - collected MUGA

Y3 / Y5 - 3:30 - collected PLAYGROUND

Break times during the morning will be staggered so that only one year group ‘bubble’ is on one area at a time.

We will be using the playground, field (weather permitting) and the MUGA.

Lunchtimes will also be staggered – we will be able to provide a hot meal or a packed lunch.

Meals will be eaten in classrooms. Hot meals will be in ‘takeaway’ boxes.

Children will be in for half an hour and out for half an hour.

We are asking everyone to stick to the times and places in order that we can keep the risk of transmission to a minimum.

We would also ask that you arrive on site 5 minutes before your child’s start and end times and that you vacate as quickly as possible.

We want to ensure that YOU feel confident about YOUR children returning to school and, as far as possible getting back to ‘normal’. This can only happen if everyone cooperates and is respectful of what we are trying to achieve.

We will update you with more details towards the end of the summer


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Flu Vaccine Information

Please see attached document regarding flu vaccinations. Use the link below to give consent:


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