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Important Notice for Parents


Please read the announcement below which explains the return to school of Reception, Y1 and Y6 students, from the 1st of June, 2020. You can also access this letter anytime from the Headteacher's notices on the website home page.


Striving for Excellence Following the government announcement regarding schools accommodating more children, namely those in Nursery, YR, Y1 and Y6, on June 1st we want to share with you our thinking about what that means for Catton Grove. • We will only open for YR, Y1 and Y6 as long as we have sufficient staff to do so.

• We will try to ensure that the environment is safe at all times but WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THAT THIS WILL BE THE CASE.

• There will be lots of hand washing and sanitising during the day.

• We will try to ensure that pupils remain 2m apart from each other when they are in class but, as I am sure you will appreciate, THIS IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO ACHIEVE ESPECIALLY FOR THE YOUNGEST CHILDREN.

• We will only have 8 - 10 pupils in a class at any one time.

• Adults will be able drop children off at the classroom door but will not be allowed to go in. Please exit the site asap after you have dropped your child(ren) off.

• Please make sure that you pick your child(ren) promptly at the end of a session.

• Classrooms will look different than they are normally.

• We will operate 3 sessions per day to allow rooms to be cleaned and to try and avoid too many adults all in the same place.

• The timings will be 9.00am-10.30am; 11.30am-1.00; 2.00pm-3.30pm. This will give us a chance to clean the rooms after each session.

• Breaks will be at the discretion of the teacher and will be staggered. At the moment we will not be providing a lunch on site.

• Each child will be allocated a session which will stay the same until things change! These will become the ‘bubbles’ to which the government refers.

• Home learning will continue for all children.

• We will try and continue with the FSM vouchers but will review this every week.

• Staff may wear PPE but at the moment this is not compulsory except when administering first aid or intimate care. We think that these measures will help to reduce the chance of infection and transmission and keep the ‘R’ number below 1. All we can do is reduce risk. We CANNOT eliminate it and we have to be honest with you about that. As is always the case, you are in control of the situation with regards to your children – we are here to support you as best we can. For the remainder of this academic year YOU CAN CHOOSE to send your child(ren) in or not. You WILL NOT be fined for non-attendance.

Take care and keep safe – we are here to help as much as we can.


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