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Communication Champion Project...


Catton Grove is part of the Communication Champion Project.    The Communication Champion Project is one part of the Norwich Opportunity Area, launched by the government to improve the life chances of local children. It aims to support early speech and language development to give children the skills they need to communicate inside and outside school, now and in the future.

What are we doing at CGPS? Miss Bryan (Butterfly Nursery teacher) has completed the Communication Champion Leadership training. All Foundation Stage staff have attended initial training in school.Staff are using this training to make sure classrooms and teaching are communication-friendly. Catton Grove Primary and Mile Cross Primary School are working together to develop The North Norwich Communication Hub, one of four Hubs in Norwich. We will provide training and support for other schools and offer more opportunities for families to get involved.What can parents/carers do?

If the parents are concerned about their child's speech. language and communication then please speak to their child's teacher who will signpost you to further support if needed.  Come to one of our 'Chatter Matters’ Communication Cafes for parents in the Spring Term.Try these strategies in the home. Try these activitiesCheck out these appsTurn your mobile phone off at key times, particularly when collecting from school, so that you and your child can talk without distraction. How can I get more support for my child? If there is a child aged under 5 in the family, you can get advice and support from our Community Communication Champion, Oliver Joyce. He can suggest activities, signpost local groups and services and sign you up to a fun family training course if you are interested.  Please speak to your child's class teacher about how to get in contact with him. 


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