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After Easter - School Arrangements


Please find below a letter from our Headteacher Mr. Lawes.


As we near the end of what was supposed to be the Easter holiday period I wanted to let you know what was happening as from next week.

You will I am sure be aware that the current ‘lockdown’ arrangements are set to continue for the next 3 weeks at least, possibly longer who knows. However, we think that as the lockdown restrictions begin to ease, schools will gradually reopen but only for certain groups of children.

We have taken the decision that we will reopen as from MONDAY 20th APRIL for the children of keyworkers and for those deemed vulnerable.

At the start of the lockdown arrangements we asked you to indicate if you felt your children fell into either of the 2 categories above we will use this information to determine which children should be in next week and in the future until things change.

The message from government, however, remains that if arrangements can continue to be made to keep children at home then this should be done. We know that the arrangements put in place to stop the spread of the COVID19 virus have put enormous strain on families all over the country but they do appear to have worked, have protected the NHS and have saved lives.

We all want to return to normal, whatever that might mean in the future, but realistically it is probably too early to hope for that just yet. You are in control of the situation with regards to your children we are here to support you as best we can.

Opening the school for some of our pupils, your children, is one way we can do that.

Take care and keep safe we are here to help as much as we can.


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